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Thao Pham

It seems... "Fantasy's what people want reality to be"

I've been listening to Akua Naru extensively last week. That damn song "The World is listening" glued in my head and soon will be my ultimate life anthem.

Akua Naru is a perfect female artist to me: full of lust and intellect. For the touch of her lust, play "Poetry: How Does It Feel Now" at night with some candlelights. She is the woman of all woman.

Talking of intellect, do you know hip hop improves brain functions? Back in 2012, Dr Becky Inkster and Dr Akeem Sule from the University of Cambridge found that freestyling can put the brain in a unique “flow state” that triggers “parts of the brain responsible for emotion, language, motivation, motor function, and motor processing”. Together, they launched Hiphop Psych helping patients who were stroke survivors, Parkinson's patients, and other mental disorders.

Given its benefits toward the mind, integrating rap in teaching can be a legit idea to help student with memorising. When I am trying to intertwine economics and rap, I found this dope video.

So next time you see me, maybe i can talk economics in beats and rhythm of prose.

Peace out!

Thao Pham

Updated: Jan 3, 2022

I just came back from Uong Bi, Quang Ninh. Woke up at 6 am everyday. Ate oatmeal and banana for breakfast. Spent 20k VND on lunch and 25k VND on cheap market dinner. Life couldn't be better.

I'm surprised by how I craved so little and stayed so happy. Is the world in my beloved urban life creating an illusion? An illusion of a standard "happy life". A "happy life" in Hanoi includes nice coffee, preferably black, in a stylish set up. That "happy life" also possesses splendid lunch in one of the Golden Gate's restaurants, bad-ass leather bags, and a business to be proud of.

My happy life in Uong Bi was quite the opposite. Two Microeconomics textbooks, 3 chapters of curricula I finished, a laptop, a wardrobe of 3 t-shirts and pants.

When one stands at a different frame of reference, one's perspective adjusts. My standard of happiness differs to yours, to my version 10 year ago, and clearly to its Quang Ninh version. It is why Alfred Marshal's "cetaris paribus" is a magical word.


1. Quang Ninh's students are better at studying maybe because they live with less distraction (no bubble tea, perhaps LOL)

2. Under the Bridge by Red hot chili peppers is perfect for morning blue.

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